Journey of the Heart

“Do not forsake: The star is here and shines. […] The longing restlessness urges. […] Be open, my heart, and roam!”

“Behold, the wise men have set out. […] They will have feared their own bold heart a little […]. But the heart is strong and blessedly courageous. They obey it and go. And suddenly, when they have left home behind them, their heart becomes light, like the heart of someone who has dared everything and who is more courageous than one can actually be […]. They walk winding paths, but before God’s eyes it is the straight way to him […].”

“Break open, my heart, and keep going! The star is shining. You can’t take much with you on the way. And much will be lost to you on the way.”

(From: Karl Rahner, Kleines Kirchenjahr. Ein Gang durch den Festkreis, Freiburg/Br. 1981, 39-42)

This reflection at the end of the year describes the dynamic that gave rise to the Tenna Hospice project: “In the beginning there was a dream, a star that shone. But even the bold heart was afraid.”

It then took a silent retreat to realize the mission of not only dreaming such a dream, but also putting it into practice. I obeyed it and went.

Today I can say that “my heart became light and that I still have to walk winding paths. But the path leads to the goal, the dream became reality.”

I can’t (and don’t want to) take much with me. And a lot has also been lost on the way. Yes, I also see signs of the straight path.

Break open my heart and keep on going.

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