Mirror, mirror

Which reality is reality for me? Is there a world in which the ego is not reflected?

(Larry Bell (*1939) Sans titre, 1971, Installation at MAMCO Geneva)

What does Narcissus see when he bends down to look at his own image in the reflecting water?

Himself, surrounded by the sky far above him. A lonely illusion.

(Augusto Giacometti (1877–1947) Narziss , 1905–1905, KKG Winterthur)

What is he missing when he views and perceives life this way?

The lived context around him. Everything important that is needed for a life in relationship and community.

(CDD20 via Pixabay) 

At which point is it justified to raise the mirror from the floor and hold it up to the other person? What are your thoughts on this?

One thought on “Mirror, mirror

  1. mirrors only provide a one dimensional image of reality which is only a “reflection” with no energy stored in it!

    The real world is way more beyond 3 dimensions and contains infinite energy.

    Ego doesn’t want to be connected to the real world and its energies bc ego is individualist and not collective.

    Thank you for the nice thought provoking article.

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